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Oct 29, 2007

Some information about Islam Religion.


I learned all I needed to know on 9-11. No thanks.
Islam introduces itself on a regular basis, as a religion that fosters bigotry, intolerance and violence - witness Iraq, where sunnis and shiites keep killing each other with enthusiasm, and on a scale that makes the decades-old violence in Northern Ireland between catholics and protestants look almost trivial, in comparison. Religions have traditionally been a source of misery for many, and Islam probably is one of the most extreme in this respect.

Sooner or later a direct confrontation between Islam and the western world will be inevitable. And that will be a war that, were it to be won by Islam, would give way to a world of obscurantism, tyranny, ignorance and intolerance - a new edition of the middle ages.
I have turned this banter into an easy-to-use template. Just plug in a religion that you don't like and create your own hilarious hate message.

Religion introduces itself on a regular basis, as a thing that fosters X, Y and Z - witness X, where Y and Z keep killing each other with enthusiasm, and on a scale that makes the decades-old violence in X between Y and Z look almost trivial, in comparison. Religions have traditionally been a source of misery for many, and X probably is one of the most extreme in this respect.

Sooner or later a direct confrontation between X and the Y will be inevitable. And that will be a war that, were it to be won by X, would give way to a world of X, Y, C and P - a new edition of X.
You can indeed create such a template - the conclusions are unfortunately true; have a look in the history books.
u know why i posted this...?! Because in the Day Of the Judgement, the believers will be asked why they didnt spread the message to nonbeleivers when they could so here is a little help for nonbeleivers and we will see in the Judgement Day who is right and who is wrong, the life of this world is to short, u can live maybe 100 years not more, but in hereafter u will never day, u know whay because on the Judgement Day the Death will Die, and beleivers will go to paradise and they will never die and nonbeleivers will go to hell and they will never die, the fire of this world is like ice comparing with the one of the hell. so think about it.
u know why i posted this...?! Because in the Day Of the Judgement, the believers will be asked why they didnt spread the message to nonbeleivers when they could so here is a little help for nonbeleivers and we will see in the Judgement Day who is right and who is wrong, the life of this world is to short, u can live maybe 100 years not more, but in hereafter u will never day, u know whay because on the Judgement Day the Death will Die, and beleivers will go to paradise and they will never die and nonbeleivers will go to hell and they will never die, the fire of this world is like ice comparing with the one of the hell. so think about it.

one day the whole world will accept islam, just as Allah says in the Quran,

by the way Busta Rhymes converted to islam :)
plz dai plz izlm nardn
will see in the day of judgment, no need to cry
@botherdog whoever said that lied u know why? Because when ppl asked Muhamed PBUH, when will happen the Big Day the day of Judgement he answered that only GOD knows that and none of mankind knows when will hapen, he described some signs which will apear before judgement day and the "little Sings" have just appeared, most of the but the big sings will come and only GOD knows when it will hapen

P.S Sorry for my bad english...
as u said bro that was tabari thought not "GOD"' thad doesnt write anywhere in the Qur'an that judgement day will happen in 1110:

here are some signs before jugement day that will happen i will write here some that are happening now in the present days:

The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad)

Books/writing will be widespread and (religious) knowledge will be low (Ahmad)

Adultery and fornication will be prevalent (The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people, which their ancestors had not known.) (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Al-Haythami) AIDS, now is killing milion ppls a day

Adultery and fornication will be performed in the open

Women will outnumber men......eventually 50:1 (Bukhari, Muslim, & Ahmad)

The nations of the earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry people going to sit down to a table full of food. This will occur when the Muslims are large in number, but "like the foam of the sea".

When a trust becomes a means of making a profit (at-Tirmidhi, Al-Haythami)

Episodes of sudden death will become widespread (Ahmad)

When a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly while shunning his father (at-Tirmidhi)

People will hop between the clouds and the earth

A tribulation will enter everyone?s home (Ahmad

People will dance late into the night

Good deeds will decrease (Bukhari)

Trade will become so widespread that a woman will be forced to help her husband in business (Ahmad)

A woman will enter the workforce out of love for this world (Ahmad)

Arrogance will increase in the earth (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim)

Family ties will be cut (Ahmad)

There will be many women of child-bearing age who will no longer give birth.

There will be an abundance of food, much of which has no blessing in it.

People will refuse when offerred food.

Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men

now look at the major signs:

Although they appear here in no particular order, it is important to point out that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that these last, major signs will follow each other like pearls falling off of a necklace...

Masih ad-Dajjal (The AntiChrist)

The Mahdi

The appearance of Masih al-Isa (Jesus Christ),
the son of Mary (peace be upon him)

Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog)

The destruction of the Kabah and the recovery of its treasure

Emergence of the Beast

The smoke

Three major landslides (one in the East, one in the West, and one on the Arabian peninsula)

The wind will take the souls of the believers

The rising of the sun from the west

The fire will drive the people to their final gathering place

Three blasts of the trumpet (fear & terror, death, resurrection)

Quran verses about the day of resurection:

He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?" At length, when the sight is dazed and the moon is buried in darkness, and the sun and moon are joined together that Day will Man say; "Where is the refuge?"

Qur'an 75.6-10

2) That this event is inevitable;

In that is a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter: that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered together: that will be a Day of Testimony. Nor shall We delay it but for a term appointed.

Qur'an 11.102-107

4) Prophesied Sure Signs of Allah (SWT) will confirm Al-Qiyamah;

We will show them Our signs in all the regions of the earth and in their own souls until they clearly see that this is the truth.

Qur'an 41.53

5) Qur'an to be used as Allah's (SWT) Warning to humankind;

We know best what they say; And thou are not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur'an such as fear My Warning!

Qur'an 50.45

Those who conceal Allah's revelations in the Book, and purchase for them a miserable profit - They swallow into themselves naught but Fire: Allah will not address them on the Day of
Believing Is Easier Than Thinking !!

Religious Extremism is the most destructive force on earth !!

Fuckoff all believers ! All of you are losers
@ vision2006

i will meet u in the day of Judgement i am sure about this and then u will see who is the looser...
of course they should, Qur'an is the way of life... and when u read it u feel peace into urself. Hadiths are the words of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and yes we muslims follow them as Prophet pbuh said in his last speech, said that when i die i will leave u with two things Quran and Sunnah and who follows them he will never lose...
And in present days when we have any problems we should check the Qur'an for the answer and what Prophet did in the similar problems when his ummah asked him what to do.
For example if man kills man
if wife cheats on her husband etc

i hope u understand me...